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Over her 78 years my mom raised many glasses in toast with friends and family saying the words, “Salute, cent’ anni” and signing so many of her handwritten loving cards with the words, Per Cent’ Anni. The literal meaning of these words in Italian is “for 100 years.” But the significant meaning to my mother (who was a lover of language and words) was “May you be so lucky to have a hundred years of these kinds of days and enjoy all of these kinds of moments surrounded by friends and family.”
She would write down things she wanted to sing or read to our kids and then she would do it!
We used to do the wishing poem every night when I was a little girl. 
This was among her treasures with pictures of us when we were little. 
This quote by Ben Franklin is so my mom. 
She was so good to others. And the fact that she saw the quote, wrote it out and kept it on her desk has a lot of meaning. 
Also that it was Ben Franklin with his connection to her hometown of Philadelphia which she loved so much.  
Songs that my mom had in her things that I can hear my mom singing along to
Songs that my mom had in her things that I can hear my mom singing along to